In regards to alphabet variation define....
Weight- The weight is the quickest, most efficient, and most traditional way of calling attention to a word, sentence or paragraph. As well, it is the relative darkness resulting from a the thickness of strokes.
Width- Condensed/compressed and wide/extended are the most common widths.
Style- Style can be classified into serif and sans serif and is a simple term that defines the decorative qualities applied to the text.
In regards to measuring type...
How is type measured in inches, mm, points or pica- type is measured by 1inch=12picas=72points.
As well, the type size must work together with linespacing. Linespacing is the space between the lines of type, measured from the baseline of one line of text to the next line of text.
Define point-Is a unit of measurement that is used for measuring type and is used for measuring depth of printing.
Define pica- Is a unit of measurement which usually measures lines of type.
How many points in an inch? There are 72 points in an inch.
If a letter is set in 36 pts about how many inches tall is it? The letter is 0.5 inches tall.
How many picas in an inch? There are 6 picas in an inch.
How many points in a pica? There are 12 points in a pica.
Define x-height- It is the distance between the baseline and the top of the main body of a lower case letter. It plays a huge part in typeface identification and readability.
Define cap height- Is the height of the capital letterforms. It mainly refers to flat letters opposed to round and pointed letters.
Define leading- It is the space between lines of type. It is usually expressed in points and measured from baseline to baseline.