_ What are the advantages of a multiple column grid?
They contain several spatial intervals, which provide endless compositional options. They are flexible and accommodate a range of visual elements. They also provide opportunities to create rhythm, drama, movement, and tension through the interaction of visual elements.
_ How many characters is optimal for a line length? words per line?
There should be between 45-75 characters on a line, so about 12 words per line.
_ Why is the baseline grid used in design?
it allows type to sit up on imaginary lines and allows continuity within a design.
_ What is a typographic river?
A typographic river is a white column of gaps in the text.
_ From the readings what does clothesline or flow line mean?
Flowlines divide the page into horizontal spatial divisions and create additional alignment points for the placement of the visual elements. They are guides that help the designer establish consistent alignment across and down the page.
_ How can you incorporate white space into your designs?
Leave margins of paper open, break text into smaller paragraphs and group them.
_ What is type color/texture mean?
Type color refers to the density of typographic elements and their perceived gray value, which is the overall feeling of lightness and darkness on the page. The color is affected by the typeface, horizontal and vertical space, and amount of text on the page.
_ What is x-height, how does it effect type color?
X-height refers to the height of the lowercase letters without ascenders and descenders. Ascenders rise up from the baseline above the x-height to the camp height and sometime higher. It effects type color because the higher the type color the lighter it appears and it is also more readable.
_ In justification or H&J terms what do the numbers: minimum, optimum, maximum mean?
If text is justified, there is reasonable minimum word space (usually M/5 or a fifth of an em). There is also a maximum word space and optimum word space to hopefully avoid bad rivers.
_ What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph. Are there any rules?
Ornaments, drop lines, pilcrows and boxes, and bullets are used to mark breaks in streams of continuous text, outdented paragraphs, white space. One rule about paragraphs is to set the opening paragraphs flush left. In continuous text, mark all paragraphs after the first with an indent of at least one en or equal to the leading.
_ What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text.
Hyphenatino requires careful attention. TO improve the appearance of text includes; avoiding more than two hyphenated lines in a row and be alert on how words split. If possible, try to break them into even halves instead of leaving a stump at the end or beginning of a line. As well, never hyphenate proper names.
_ What does CMYK and RGB mean?
CMYK s a subtractive color model, used in color printing, and is also used to describe the printing process itself. It stands It stands for Cyan Magenta Yellow and Key(black).
RGB is additive color model, uses red, green, blue light to produce color.
_ What does hanging punctuation mean?
It is optical alignment with asterisks, apostrophes, commas, en dashes, hyphens, periods, and quotation marks. Usually, it hangs out of the line of text. It is also needed when a slight indent is created that is visual distracting.
_ What is the difference between a foot mark and an apostrophe?
A foot mark is often known as a dumb apostrophe, just like an inch mark is known as a dumb quote, they were common in typewriters and are straight apostrophes. True apostrophes are curved or angled.
_ What is the difference between an inch mark and a quote mark (smart quote)?
Inch marks were common in type writers, they are straight quotation marks. Quote marks are the ones that should be used and are curved or angled.
_ What is a hyphen, en dash and em dashes, what are the differences and when are they used.
Hyphen is used for hyphenated words and breaking words in a paragraph setting. En dash is used in compound terms to separate items, for example, dates, locations, times and phone numbers. Em dash is used to separate thoughts.
_ What are ligatures, why are they used, when are they not used, what are common ligatures
It is specially designed character produced by combining two or three letters into one unified form. They replace pairs of letters that collide into each other to improve legibility. The common ligatures are ff, ffi, ffl, fi, and fj. It is used in the typefaces where the lowercase f extends into the space of the letter following it. IF the letter rises above the x-height, it will touch the f.