Sunday, March 13, 2011

Journal #6

Daniel Pink

Daniel stated that the most inspiring design is the eraser because it allows you to make mistakes. The eraser on mechanical pencil, the white board / chalkboard eraser allow you to erase your mistakes. Which also means that you can create. Design can address systems, such as education and health care. Most of the design takes in too much of an engineering approach. It maximizes efficiency without calling into question if that system makes much sense. Pink believes that standardized testing isn’t the right system for the 21st century because it isn’t the proper way to test student’s knowledge. On the other hand, How do we cut costs of Healthcare since they haven’t realized that we have a system that rewards intervention rather than prevention in the first place. Systems of education healthcare housing and transportation need better design. When design thinking is applied it makes the world a little bit better.

Emily Pilloton

She has been more interested in design as a process. The thing that helped her shape the way she thinks today was the show Macgyver from the 90s, not as a product, but a person. Macgyver is famous for creating crazy gadgets with basic design materials. He had minimal resources, but they always worked perfectly, even if it wasn’t realistic. Emily said the thing that design should tackle next is education K-12. She teaches in the poorest county in the state. Design as community should think about how you can offer the best parts of the design to imagine a different kind of public education system. They should redesign materials, spaces, and experiences for students, teachers, and parents. As well, they should actually teach designing as to solve problems. Just redesigning education itself, thinking about it as a system levels problem. It should be a core subject with basic sensibility. She believes that the education system is messed up. Lastly, she said: How can we bring design as a process. so it works better and can deliver services to students better in a more efficient way?

Luis Fitch

The design that inspired Luis the most he got from the kitchen of his mom, the folcajete, a stone tool, which is the traditional version of a blender. You can make guacamole or salsa in there by just grinding with the brick element. Fitch said that the food taste different when made with it. It still is popular in contemporary time. He showed how to make guacamole by using the folcajete. The problem that he believed design should solve next is the whole idea of cross cultural design. Where different design ideas from different cultures can understand each other more. Not just design, but also music, food, and etc.. It is a realistic problem and it is starting to happen today.

Tony Hawk

Design that inspired him the most is apple products because they took what used to be an only business product and made it fun and useful in everyday life and they continued to do it with music products and telephones. It changed family values and it took an idea and made it much more accessible and fun. The thing that Tony Hawk said needs to happen in design is that as our technology gets more advance it gets more intimidating and much less accessible to general public, so they need to make it easier and fun to use. Not only that, but making it exciting and making it beautiful. He believes that is what apple has proven to do and everyone needs to take inspiration from that.

Ze Frank

Procrastinated because he hates talking about design. He likes the social game Werewolf. Which is 15-17 people assigned at table and they are all assigned a different thing. Everyone has to figure out who the werewolf is and sometimes, there may not even be a werewolf. It’s a conversation and it gets dicier with simple moves. It makes you reevaluate what you believe on how you are manipulated and the way you think you are designing the communications that you are having. Social design is what inspires him because it takes advantages of our complexity of our social interactions and simplifies it for a moment and we can look through it different lenses.

Design should solve all of the problems. Even design should be redesigned. Today is a glorious age for designers because they are getting feedback and we can see how the choices we make in our work are affecting the people that are consuming our work. Frank believes that we should design religion, design art, and even dinner conversations should be designed. Everything should be exposed to what is being processed. He also thinks that there is a way of design that needs more attention. One to One Design, which is a way to communicate. One to Many design, which is what most design industries are doing. Many to Many design which is more collaborative created projects. He wants to see more of Many to One design, where they all come together and try to come up with a solution in one single person’s life. For example, make Mike less lonely. He believes it is inspiring to see a bunch of designers focus their attention to one single thing. Frank said it would help him pay attention more in the world he lives in.


My favorite video that I watched, had to Luis Fitch because my mother has a couple of folcajte and I never really thought of it to be design. This entire time, I just thought it was an old school Mexican tradition. I was also able to relate to it more because I have had sauces that my mom made with the folcajte. My favorite response to the problem that design should solve next was Ze Frank, because many designer’s can settle for the obvious problem or they can actually all work together on the one single person’s life and create something completely random but still is able to solve the solution. It helped me realize that there are other ways to view design.

The way I would answer these questions:

I believe that the most interesting design is sign/street design. It amazes me the way the signs on the roads are designed and how we learn what each symbol means without needing words on the sign. The symbols on the different streets signs are so simple but yet they can still be complicated for some people if they were never taught them. The signs are informative and do not completely distract the drivers from the road in front of them. Without them in our society, the roads would be much more complicated. The problem I believe design should solve next is the way today’s society becomes so addicted to new technology. Yes, technology keeps advancing, but the way the are designing technology is going rapidly. A really good example is Apple, because they keep redesigning and upgrading their phones, computers, ipods, or ipads that it is getting to a point where they are not really fitting the consumers. The reason for that is because they are redesigning each item in such a short period of time, that it makes the first consumers regret buying the first product. I believe that they should come up with a solution on timing out their products and creating bigger changes in their new versions instead of adding a little bit of detail to it.

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