Monday, December 13, 2010

Project 4 Final

Illuminated Letter: Contemporary Counter Part

Project 4 description:
After learning and understanding the history of illuminated letters we picked three different artists and made a drop cap with their first name initial or last name initial which was inspired by their art work.

The object of this project was to create a series of illuminated letters based on the visual language of the artist(s), architect(s), or designer(s) that we chose. We chose three artists and an artwork of theirs and transformed it into a drop cap with the artists first name initial or last name initial.

Art work by Joan Miro:
Drop cap inspired by Joan Miro:
Final Layout for Joan Miro drop cap:
Art work by Paul Klee:

Drop cap inspired by Paul Klee:
Final Layout for Paul Klee drop cap:
Art work by Jean Carlu:
Drop cap inspired by Jean Carlu:
Final layout for Jean Carlu drop cap:
Project Overview:
I enjoyed working on this project because it was very short and simple. As well, I had a lot of fun sketching and coming up with so many drop cap ideas for each artist. Plus, looking at the artwork next to the designed drop caps is really cool because you can see what elements were taken from the drop caps. The best part of the project was taking the sketches we made and creating them on the computer. Overall, I enjoyed this project and had no problems throughout it, I would like to do it again for more artists.