Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What makes a successful book jacket?

I believe that the three book covers that I pulled are successful, because of how simple they are. The design on each cover is easy to read and recognize what the book is or could be about.
On the Eat, Pray, Love cover, the type is made out of objects., which is so unique because the objects somewhat represent what they are spelling out. As well, it isn't done dramatically, which makes the title easy to read. On the Schulz and Peanuts cover, it is just an up close picture of Charlie Brown's shirt. That design is easily read as Charlie Brown because most people can recognize the pattern. I think that is successful because the designer could have used the characters, but instead used something that could also be read as 'Charlie Brown.' The wide awake cover is successful because instead of using the obvious picture/graphic it uses a somewhat wide clock that also is used as a boarder. It is again another simple, but unique cover that does not go over the top with graphics.

Overall, the reason all three are successful is because of the simplicity the covers have, but are still able to get the subject/message across to the readers.

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